Every Child Has a Dream

The Rise & Sean Foundation was created to fund and facilitate educational outdoor field trips for students in developing nations.

We bring students AND school faculty (teachers/principal, etc) along with us on all of the trips, along with other volunteers like van/bus drivers, cooks, parent chaperones, etc. We take students to unique places within their own countries, with field trip itineraries based around real-world education. For example, when students visit ancient ruins and historical sites, afterwards the teachers have lesson plans prepared based on what they learned/experienced that day. Our intention is to IMMERSE kids in the act of travel, to facilitate learning along the way.  

During and after the trips, kids experience an incredible sense of bonding, connection and a renewed sense of what is possible outside of the geographical boundaries or their villages and towns. Every child in the world has a dream, even though they might not know what it is yet. Our goal is to open their eyes to what is possible.
Would you like to make a difference in a young student’s life by allowing them to experience what travel really can do for your soul?


The inspiration for the Rise & Sean Foundation comes from a well-travelled, life-loving man named Sean Lawson.

Raised in small-town Alberta, Canada, Sean felt the need to explore the world while still in his teens. During a trip to Nepal at the age of 19, Sean’s curious nature helped him escape the all-too-common backpacker-style comfort zone and instead connect with locals on a deeper level. His insatiable desire to explore the world led him to discover incredible people and places throughout 29 countries. He loved making kids laugh during his travels and was known to many as the most voracious life-lover they’d ever met. Tragically, Sean passed away in South Africa at the age of 29 after contracting cerebral malaria on the islands off the coast of Mozambique. He wanted nothing more than for others to travel adventurously and passionately, as he did with every fiber of his being.

This foundation is his legacy.


Todd Lawson & Christina Tottle

Having travelled through almost 70 countries together (and counting), one thing Todd & Christina have learned is that the world is full of good, kind, generous people. They’ve been on the receiving end of so much open-hearted hospitality throughout their travels, that they decided to establish this foundation as their way of giving back to those that have helped them along the way. The foundation also serves as the legacy for Todd’s brother Sean, who tragically passed away in 1999 after living a life full of unbridled passion and adventure.

Todd & Christina have seen first-hand how valuable travel can be as an educator, and how much more connected the world is when we have a greater understanding of one another. Their primary focus of the foundation is to expose students to the intangible wonders of travel, to the magic that lies beneath seeing a place that you set eyes on for the first time, learning from unique people and culture, and enjoying different foods and traditional customs.

Their mission is to help kids see the world, to learn from exciting travel experiences and to open their eyes, hearts and minds to new possibilities and ways of life.

They are currently travelling from Ireland to India with their daughter Seanna, 11, continuing and sharing their education in humanity. You can follow them here:
